Jesus at the Center

Download all four studies here.

Jesus at the Center is four studies that are center stories from the Gospels.

With each story, we focus on what Jesus has done for us and how through the Holy Spirit, we can model that behavior in our own life. Young people will be able to see how we fail to resist temptation and comfort, fail to pray and miss the extent of God’s love for us in Jesus. In the same way, we will see how Jesus saved us from our sin and models for us a way of sanctified life.

These studies can be done as a stand alone or they can be done together. These can be done anytime but they may be particularly helpful during Lent.

The four sessions are:

In each session, there will be activities to be prepped. Youth will also need Bibles, pens, and paper available.

Download all four studies here.

About the author

Sarah is a DCE at Woodbury Lutheran Church in Woodbury, MN. When she’s not teaching kids/teens about Jesus and coming up with hashtags for church-wide events, she enjoys taking pictures around the Twin Cities and spending time at her cabin in Northwestern Minnesota. Sarah’s known for her love of coffee, hatred of mornings, and creating games that involve hiding Rubber Chickens at the various campuses of WLC and then forgetting where she hid them.
View more from Sarah

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