God’s Mission In All Things: A Study about Acts of Service and Mission

Download the Leader’s Guide Here.

God is on a mission! That mission is to seek and save the lost and to bring all into relationship with Him. We all have a part to play in this mission. God calls each of us to play a role in His mission. Using Acts 1:8 this study will outline the mission of the Holy Spirit to bring Jesus to Jerusalem (our everyday life), Judea and Samaria (our community around us), and the ends of the earth (globally) through each of us.

This study is designed to help highlight the section of the 40 End Goals of Youth Ministry about “Acts of Service and Mission.” It can be helpful to look through those statements in advance of leaving the study.

Lesson 1: The Power of the Holy Spirit: God’s Mission to the World

Students will be able to identify and articulate God’s central mission and its parts.

Lesson 2: Reaching Jerusalem: Serving God In All Things

Students will identify how they can be a witness and serve in their daily lives.

Lesson 3: Reaching Judea and Samaria: Local Missions and Community Service

Students will identify specific areas in their community to which God may be calling them to service using their unique talents and abilities.

Lesson 4: Reaching the Ends of the Earth: Global Missions and Citizenship

Students will explore ways they can impact the world at large most effectively.

Attached Devotions

These lessons have four devotions that run parallel to the Bible study. These are designed for you to use if you meet multiple times a week or for you to share through email or social media in between lessons.

Download the Leaders Guide Here.

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