Identity Theft Devotions
God says some amazing things about our identity all throughout the Bible. In summary, He says that we are His children, we are loved, we are whole because of His grace, we are enough. Unfortunately, all around us we hear lies that scream exactly the opposite. Our world is filled with thieves, sneaking around trying to steal our identity, despite it being secure in Christ. One of my favorite hymns when I’m struggling with the lies of this world is one that reminds me of all the things that are true about my identity because of my baptism. Verse 3 talks directly to Satan, the ultimate “Identity Thief,” and basically tells him to just back off:
Satan, hear this proclamation: I am baptized into Christ!
Drop your ugly accusation; I am not so soon enticed.
Now that to the font I’ve traveled, all your might has come unraveled,
And, against your tyranny, God, my Lord, unites with me! (LSB 594)
In these words we are called back to our identity as baptized children of God. Because of what God did for us in our baptism and Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, Satan has no power over us! God’s on our side and our identity is secure!
As you go through this series of four devotions, we pray that you’ll have a chance to reflect on the ways Satan might be trying to steal your mind and heart away from the truth of who you are in Christ. Each devotion has a similar structure and much of it was written by high schoolers just like you! You’ll be introduced to a different “identity thief” in each one. While Satan is the ultimate thief behind each one of these, looking at it in this way helps us discover which kinds of lies he may try to use most in our lives. After seeing some of the lies, there are some ideas of how believing those lies may impact us, along with some truth from God’s Word that can help us realize when Satan is trying to steal our identity and fight against it. Most of all, we hope that these devotions provide reminders to rest secure in your status as God’s beloved son or daughter!
You are loved! You are enough! You are valuable and treasured! You have a purpose in this world!
Don’t let Satan tell you otherwise!