Are your youth involved with alcohol? It is quite likely!
The issue of alcohol use and abuse is one which touches every person in your group in some way—whether it is a parent, a brother a sister, a friend or that person who has the problem. In this piece, you will explore the problem of alcohol abuse among teenagers. Youth will gain understanding for the reasons that people may begin to use or abuse alcohol and will seek alternative sources of support. Youth will be encouraged to help those around them who are troubled by alcohol or other chemical abuse. Finally, youth will discuss ways to have fun in life without alcohol.
Certainly, this topic may surface personal experiences and unresolved issues. Be cautious and use sensitivity when presenting this material
- Use for a Bible study.
- Use at a retreat or lock-in event.
- Give a copy to a youth who comes to you with concerns about a friend who has an alcohol problem.
- Present this information at a night for parents of adolescents.
- Train your peer ministers about alcohol use/ abuse using this piece as a focus.
Download a PDF of the Bible Study: Let’s Talk – Alcohol Use and Abuse.