MADE…in His Image

This three-part Bible study considers what it means to be made in God’s image. Using Mary Shelley’s story of Frankenstein, students will consider how God created mankind, how we have fallen, and how God redeems us through His Son.

Topics: God’s Image, Self Esteem

You can download a PDF version of the MADE…In God’s Image Bible Study. If you use it, let us know in the comments!

Excerpts (download the PDF for the full Bible study):

Part One: Making the Monster

Grey’s Anatomy (The Map)
  • Students will know that they are perfectly made by a loving Father.
  • Students will feel loved by their omniscient Father.
  • Students will (do) spread the knowledge they learn with others who need to hear it.
The Lightening Rod
  • Tell students to think of two or three favorite animals. Then tell them to take two or three animals and combine them into one animal. Ask them to draw their animal.
  • What does it look like?
  • What qualities does it inherit from each animal?
  • What is its name?
  • What are its habits, foods, habitats, etc.?

The Guts

  • Read Psalm 139:13-16.
  • What does the Psalmist mean when he says, “you created my inmost being”?
  • What does it mean to be “fearfully and wonderfully made”?
  • The Psalmist says that God saw him being formed–saw him in the secret place. What goes through your mind when you hear that God personally knit you together and formed your body?
Part Two: Monster in the Mirror
Grey’s Anatomy (The Map)
  • Students will know that Jesus stands in the gap between mankind and God to plead our salvation.
  • Students will feel convicted by their actions and relieved by God’s grace.
  • Students will (do) make a mirror with a picture of Jesus in the center, in order to remember how God looks through Jesus to see us.
The Lightening Rod
  • Begin by telling the students to think about the following question: Do you care what people think of you? Hand out a mirror and some modeling clay to each student. Instruct them to split their clay in half. Instruct the students to look in the mirrors and mold the clay to look like their faces. After theyve finished, then instruct the students to put their image aside and then partner them up with someone they dont typically spend time with. Now instruct them to mold their partners faces with their modeling clay.
  • Now ask:
  • How did you do reconstructing the image of your face?
  • Why did you do well/poorly?
  • How did your partner do reconstructing the image of your face?
  • Which was harder: constructing your face or someone elses? Why or why not?

The Guts

  • Ask: Is it important to have a good reputation? Why or why not?
  • Read 1 Timothy 3:7.
  • What do these verses tell us about reputation?
  • Why does a bad reputation cause you to fall into “disgrace” and “the devil’s trap”?
  • Think about this question again: Do you care what people think of you?
Part Three: The Monster’s Journey
Grey’s Anatomy (The Map)
  • Students will know that while we are monsters, God shows us that He loves us more than anything we could ever do.
  • Students will feel elated that Jesus Christ took on our journey in order to save us from our own image.
  • Students will (do) plant seeds in a pot to watch them grow and nurture that growth in an effort to remember the creator/created relationship.
The Lightening Rod
  • Set up a couple of choices for the class. Put out a couple old battered pots and a nice shiny new pot. Put out the old seeds and the new seed packets. Put out the two kinds of soil. Put out the water and the soda.Put out any other materials you purchased for the event.
  • Instruct the students that you are going to plant some flowers today. Ask them to go through all the different options and pick out what theyd like to use for their flowers. After theyve planted their flowers, and hopefully chosen to pour water on them and not soda, ask them:
  • Why did you pick the particular items you picked?
  • What thoughts went into your choices?
  • Did you want the best things for your seeds? Why or why not?
The Guts
  • Read Romans 5:12-14 and Psalm 51:3-5
  • What do these verses tell you about who you are?
  • How does it feel to be called a sinner?
  • Do you believe that you truly are a sinner? Why or why not?
  • What kind of image do these verses cast of you?

Published April 1, 2009

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