
Paula Isakson and her father, the Rev. Dr. Jakob Heckert — co-founders of Faith Family Reunion — lead this LCMS Youth webinar entitled “Supporting Prodigals and Their Families”. Isakson and Rev. Heckert share Paula’s story as a prodigal youth who later returned to the faith. They will provide encouragement and resources for parents and youth […]
webinar presenter: Jim Marriott What role can music ministry play in the lives of youth? Come hear the story of how Trinity Lutheran Church in Lisle, IL, is involving youth in an eclectic music ministry. Over 40% of Trinity’s music ministry participants are under the age of 18, and youth also hold a significant number […]
Rev. Dale Kuhn Mental health issues affect the lives of young people and families across our country and congregations. It is a difficult topic to tackle whether a parent, pastor, church worker, volunteer youth worker, or a Christian who cares for a young person moving through adolescence. Mental health concerns can affect a young person’s […]
by Rev. Brian Weaver Pastor Brian Weaver leads a conversation on how the practice of spiritual disciplines impacts the lives of the people of God and how they shape and strengthen our faith through the work of God’s Spirit and His Word. This one-hour webinar will: (1) Highlight three of the most common spiritual disciplines: […]
On the importance of addressing life issues in youth ministry
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