
Should youth ministry, or any other ministry for that matter, rely on fundraising to significantly support their ministry functions? Sometimes the habits of fundraising get youth ministry into trouble. This article is designed to help you think more strategically about fundraising.
We all have harmful habits, even in our churches. This article helps us think about how we might have habits where parents are not growing in their own Biblical education or even expecting the church and its workers to be the primary teachers of the Christian faith for their children. By identifying these kinds of habits, we can see how we might change them.
We all have habits, some intentionally developed and others not. Knowing our habits in ministry can be important. For example, we may tend to isolate kids and/or youth from the rest of the congregation. This article talks about how to identify this habit and push against it.
Youth ministry is not meant to be just one more thing for teenagers to do among a huge list of to-do’s and other activities; Our youth ministries are mean to be a place of rest. This article helps us to think through how we can bring Sabbath and rest to our youth ministries.
Reformation Day is a perfect occasion to guide students in activities, snacks, and study related to the life and work of Luther. This article gives tons of ideas and direction to review the events in Luther's life, and explore who we are as Christians and as Lutherans.
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