This study is intended to take the participants through the book of Philippians as we consider what it means to be a friend in Christ. This ...
Transitions can provide for growth in one’s relationships with Jesus and His Church, or sometimes Satan uses these transitions to pull us ...
Many of the 2000 young adults we surveyed shared how the church succeeded and failed in times of transition, crisis, and throughout the tumu...
Over 2,000 young adults told us how their families and churches impacted their faith as they grew up. Join us as we share about what parents...
This four part study for Campus Ministries or Young Adult Groups talks about how the meaning of life is found in our creation, redemption, v...
This study is intended to take the participants through the Gospel of Mark considering the issues of how we are to read Mark, its message, a...
For College Students, grades and academic achievement can easily become an idol. Read here some strategies to help them put that desire in t...
Young leaders need mentorship and guidance, but done right, this can connect them into even deeper relationships and community.
In a skeptical world, where do we begin to show young people that God’s church loves them and wants only the eternal best for them?
The movie Ready Player One deals with the struggles of Wade Watts as he tries to find identity and meaning in a dystopian future. Use this d...
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