In this first devotion tied to the My Roles Now and for the Future study, we are reminded that when this world seems hostile, you have been ...
Priscilla and Aquila model for us what it looks like to answer God’s call in various ways. Their story gives us an example of hospitality ...
Psalm 96 is big and grandiose. It is filled with flowery, beautiful, poetic language. And yet it calls on us to tell of God’s salvation fr...
Last week was homecoming at Concordia University. The theme for this year was “Masquerade” and there was a colorful display of masks...
Derek Broten shares the steps he takes to identify and encourage the youth of his congregation who may have the gifts to become church worke...
Jesus' vocations show us how He was similar to us and also how He is called to do things that only He can do. Jesus fulfills His vocations p...
In our third devotion based on a teen response, Sarah reminds us that God can and will use you no matter where you go.
In the last of our Acts Devotions, we talk about how the early church experienced miracles and how God uses us in our vocation to bring heal...
I felt like I was being a better missionary through my son’s school than I was in church work…
Sound money management is a skill our kids will benefit from for the rest of their lives.
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