Nearly every church is aware that they need to support young people as they transition out of high school. There are other transitions, howe...
By the time students have reached middle or high school, they have likely already experienced a number of transformations. When they grieve ...
With the help of some wise and gracious 20-something friends, Shelly Schwalm offers some ideas for walking with college students in your mid...
How can you help high school students successfully transition into college life?
a Bible study on spiritual highs and lows based on Mark 9:2-9, the Transfiguration story
The blessings of campus ministry come in many different forms as do the challenges. Here are some ways to support the Gospel on campus.
Key conversations with students in the first month of college can set them up not only for success but a faithful walk with God! This articl...
Naomi shows that as vocations change in times of transition or even crisis, God is calling us into something new. God can turn bitterness in...
While healthy congregations have supportive adults, healthy campus ministries do as well! Whether your campus ministry is a stand-alone mini...
Helping young people with life-transitions is a blessing. As the church, we are in a wonderful position to speak into and assist in these mo...
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