
It is often said that you never know how you’re going to respond in a tragedy until it hits. But we, as Christians who care for young people, can be thinking through how to respond before there is a tragedy that hits your church’s community.
Cultivating habits of prayer can be a challenging and even confusing. However, there are things we can do to inspire and encourage the students in our care. This article and resources can help promote personal prayer in the lives of our youth.
In the midst of such strife sometimes it can feel as if there will be no end to the strife. But God has not forgotten us.
I have learned during my short time in ministry that if you are open and vulnerable, people will feel comfortable with you and want to share.
God clearly commands stillness. How do we get there? With so many demands and needs, with our minds clanging in all directions, how can we possibly find quiet?
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