
We want to meet young people where they are at with the Gospel, but modern technology presents youth workers with an extra layer of challenge. As you navigate social media, it is important to consider how to manage risk so both you and your youth are protected and cared for.
For teens who are searching for identity and asking difficult questions, we want to focus them often on their Baptism. Here are three ways that we can remember and talk about the importance of Baptism in youth ministry.
Empathy isn’t often something the digital landscape often offers. As young people spend more and more time on technology, this can be an important space for them to learn to both share the Gospel and show compassion. Here are three ways your Youth Ministry can help develop empathy for others as they share the love of Jesus.
How can we encourage our youth to study the Bible and understand a fraction of its worth?
The Gospel never changes; however, we must pay attention to both who we are speaking to and why we are engaging them in relationship in order to be most effective in ministry.
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