Many of us can find consolation in the grieving words of Lamentations. For others, walking down the darkest paths can help us understand the...
We need to talk about why spiritual practices and living out our vocation is important. In Jesus, teens have something worth sacrificing for...
In the third article of this series, we talk about the power of play for Gen Z.
As we adjust to the new normal after the pandemic, we can see fewer people in our pews. So, what do we do to get people, especially young pe...
Nearly every church is aware that they need to support young people as they transition out of high school. There are other transitions, howe...
We need to talk more openly and honestly about mental health, especially in the Church. Supportive adults can pause and educate ourselves an...
In this devotion designed for your youth ministry team, we are reminded to take the time and encourage young leaders in a part of your youth...
When working with young people, building trust and maintaining connections are always essential components of youth ministry. Teenagers need...
I have learned during my short time in ministry that if you are open and vulnerable, people will feel comfortable with you and want to share...
Gen Z knows a very chaotic world. Our church environment can be a place of warmth and healthy relationships. This article is the second in a...
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