
In this devotion we look at Psalm 121 and how in praying it we can be reminded of God's presence, even in our sufferring.
The Christian view of being “pro-life” is far more than just being anti-abortion or against euthanasia. Our “pro-life” attitude is really a reflection of our Life in Christ. This four-part study aims to give a top-down approach to our theology of life – from creation to the fall, to salvation, and onward and outward to our vocation and service to others.
As we go through life, we all come face to face with trials, questions, and tough issues. In the midst of these questions, what do we do? Who or what do we turn to? The purpose of this study is to remind the participants that God does not leave them empty-handed with their questions. He offers us more than just the answers that we are looking for. God gives us what we truly need: namely, Himself.
As young people experience unexpected loss, the church should be a safe source of comfort. While students must be allowed opportunity to grieve in whatever way suits them, this study will help you process sudden loss.
Jesus is the living water that our desert souls need.
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