
Things change when you leave the honeymoon phase and settle into your first Call. And, that change may be hard and that’s ok. Here are some great reminders if you are in that position as a new worker.
Planning Youth Ministry can be tough. A year long plan can be a bit of work, but incredibly helpful. This article is designed to help you think through the steps of creating your year long ministry plan.
Every youth ministry program needs to change, but how do you know it’s time to change? How do you know if ministries are working? Or if they aren’t and need to change? This article gives three ways for you to assess your youth ministry in order to help identify places for healthy growth.
As a new church worker, it’s hard to navigate forming relationships within your congregation because you don’t know how to develop relationships with the people you are serving alongside. Here are three tips from Sarah on how to find your people.
Whether you are a paid-worker or a volunteer in ministry, the charge of ministry is draining. Healthy hobbies can be a great ally in ministry and a healthy Christ centered habit.
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