
Technology has been a mixed experience for youth. They love technology, but they also know they need face to face interaction. To achieve the best balance for your group, this article helps you think through how to integrate technology into ministry.
Youth leaders build relationship with young people in a variety of ways. One of the ways to meet youth where they are at is connecting over social media. This article helps youth leaders consider how to do that well.
Our young people are being raised in an era where being on social media is not only the norm, but the expectation. Use this Conversation Guide to help you have important talks with teens about their usage and engagement on social media.
Our youth are more and more seeing the cultural trend of “cancelling” someone because of actions now or in the past. As people in youth ministry, we must think long and hard about how we encourage both justice and live as people of grace through Jesus.
Here are some social media images for Christmas and Advent
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