
Our youth are more and more seeing the cultural trend of “cancelling” someone because of actions now or in the past. As people in youth ministry, we must think long and hard about how we encourage both justice and live as people of grace through Jesus.
Understanding and applying Law and Gospel is a hard balance! While both are completely necessary; we can’t have one without the other. This skit and devotion are designed to help you teach about Law and Gospel in a funny and relatable way.
Is there something that you have done that is particularly bothering you? David experienced the joy and peace of sins forgiven, and the Lord has made that available to you as well.
In integrity, we present our sin before God knowing that, “when we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins” (1 John 1:9). In confession, God is gracious to us and redeems us. In forgiveness, we can continue to walk with God in integrity.
Plagues and pestilence, evil and death will not have the last word for Christians. God is our dwelling place.
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