Teaching End Goals are 40 statements we pray teens know and personalize by the time they graduate from high school. Use this guide to discus...
Being a parent means navigating life’s changes and transitions with your children as they mature toward Christian adulthood.
We continue to circle these three words that best describe what young people told us helped keep them attached to the church community: Warm...
Young leaders need mentorship and guidance, but done right, this can connect them into even deeper relationships and community.
What is a resilient identity in Christ and why is it important for a healthy youth ministry? Check out this blog from the Seven Practices of...
For teens who are searching for identity and asking difficult questions, we want to focus them often on their Baptism. Here are three ways t...
The experience of working with others, learning in an unfamiliar environment and adapting to new surroundings forces us to examine ourselves...
7 Practices discussion guide for live out their unique vocation
As a part of a series that draws connections between Growing Young and Seven Practices, we look at how
As a part of a series that draws connections between Growing Young and Seven Practices, we look at how Growing Young's Jesus’ Message conn...
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