Now more than ever our children need to develop resiliency skills as they face the after-effects of the pandemic as well as the ongoing repe...
Since March of 2020, COVID has drastically changed how Christians around the world see things. We can trust that through faith, God gives us...
Have you ever had a question that you weren’t sure you were allowed to ask? God can handle your questions and He wants you to cry out to H...
In the second devotion in this series, We hear that God so loved the world so that He gave His Only Son to die for us. But again, we might a...
Maybe you have memories of choosing teams at recess or PE. This devotion reminds us that Jesus chooses you and you are on his team. This de...
Download a PDF of The Gift of Blood. Mr. Every One: (Mr. One is lying supine on a table, covered by a red (scarlet) blanket. At his feet...
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