
Ready Player One: A Movie Guide

Ready Player One: A Movie Guide

The movie Ready Player One deals with the struggles of Wade Watts as he tries to find identity and meaning in a dystopian future. Use this d...
Media Review: The Unbelievers

Media Review: The Unbelievers

Media Review: The Unbelievers Starring Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss I am not a brilliant guy.  I struggled through my logic courses...

Media Review: The King’s Speech

Media Review: The King’s Speech

For my wife’s birthday she wanted to watch The King’s Speech. How can you say no to your wife on her birthday? I submit that you can’t. Or...

Movies as Messages of God

Movies as Messages of God

Good movies touch the deepest human experiences and can thus be useful in discussing spiritual matters. This article discusses some of the b...
A Passion For Media

A Passion For Media

In this article, Rev. Terry Dittmer takes a personal look at Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.
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