
Building a youth ministry team can be an ongoing effort for lay and professional practitioners alike. In the final of three parts, we will discuss how you can ask and plan so your team is solid for the future.
Building a youth ministry team can be an ongoing effort for lay and professional practitioners alike. In the second of three parts, we will look at where to start your search to build your team.
Building a youth ministry team can be an ongoing effort for lay and professional practitioners alike. In the first of a series, we talk about how to prepare before starting to build your team.
What do youth champions in your congregation look like? What are practical steps to get there? In this second of two parts, we will look at both easy steps and important outcomes for developing adults who champion young people in your congregation.
It is important for every youth ministry to have adults in your congregation who are champions for your young people. In this first of two articles, think about how you might teach and value championing young people in your congregation.
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