
Teens are hearing all kinds of messages about dating from the world around them, so we as the church need to talk about what God says. This conversations can be hard but valuable. This conversation starter can help you lay a foundation for who an individual is in Christ apart from any dating relationship, how our value in Christ impacts our relationships, and what sacrificial love looks like.
Beyond Broken is a six-week study focused on God’s intent for identity and relational wholeness. The study begins with a larger discussion focused on gender, and specifically, on God’s design for male and female and how they were intended to be in relationship with one another.
If we equip young people to see everything in light of their value and identity in Christ, as a loved, chosen, forgiven child of God, it will change their relationships. Not only that, but this foundation will impact every single area of their lives.
Boys and girls are different. Everybody knows that, yet when we plan programs for the church we too frequently act as if those differences don't exist, or as if they are unimportant.
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