Rather than attempting to become an expert on the general trends of the culture around us, as parents our role is to become experts merely i...
All teens struggle with feeling hurt or sad at times, but some teens go through especially traumatic situations such as their parents divorc...
How will your involvement in children and youth ministries impact your own kids?
This four-part study explores the importance of listening to God by examining Old Testament people who struggled to listen and the resulting...
I have learned during my short time in ministry that if you are open and vulnerable, people will feel comfortable with you and want to share...
God’s plan for salvation ENDURED because of faithful servants like Caleb and Joshua who refused to let peer pressure negatively affect the...
Having hard conversations is never easy, but it’s worth the effort. Especially in today's culture it can be hard to engage well in difficu...
Many teens spend time interacting with friends over the internet, and that can lead to feeling nervous our unsure about face to face interac...
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