Real. Present. God. In Life Issues! explores sensitive and serious topics such as abortion, assisted suicide, and ethical disagreements. Par...
The Christian view of being “pro-life” is far more than just being anti-abortion or against euthanasia. Our “pro-life” attitude is r...
In this devotion we look at Psalm 121 and how in praying it we can be reminded of God's presence, even in our sufferring.
Imagine three little ones, yet unborn, considering their future in a pretty messed up world. Like them, we lean on the grace of "the One in ...
In all things, we should remember that God is working through us, and in us, for our neighbor. In this final devotion around life, we are re...
Just as God makes life, He preserves life. Life in Christ means to be confronted with the broken world. This devotion reminds us the importa...
We know that God creates and preserves the lives of all people. Listen to God's Word for you about how He sees those things that worry and c...
No matter what difficulties you may be experiencing, Jesus will carry the load with you.
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