
When in the course of our teaching, admonition, and yes, even counseling of the youth in our care, each passage of God’s Word that we utilize can and should be identified properly as conveying Law and/or Gospel. In this article, we talk about how distinguishing between Law and Gospel can impact our relationships with youth and our ability to share God's Word with them!
Understanding and applying Law and Gospel is a hard balance! While both are completely necessary; we can’t have one without the other. This skit and devotion are designed to help you teach about Law and Gospel in a funny and relatable way.
God commands us to live according to His ways because He wants what is best for us. He wants us to enjoy all the good gifts He gives us in the life to their full.
What Does it Mean to be Lutheran? explores how the Lutheran tradition delights in the tensions of Scripture, even if it is a challenge to hold these tensions together. Participants will learn how the Lutheran tradition confesses that Jesus is at the center of our salvation, faith, and life.
As youth workers we serve not out of some obligation, but out of a love for teenagers as image bearers of God. Likewise, we bring the Gospel to bear in Christ to free the youth we care for to join us in service of Christ through service of those in His kingdom.
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