This four-part Bible study takes us to the world of C.S. Lewis's Narnia, and looks at Edmund's story of redemption and how it relates to our...
If you are looking for a movie night with your youth ministry, consider the 2023 live action Little Mermaid with this review and discussion ...
Body image is a constant struggle for many people, especially teenagers. This conversation starter is designed to help you think about how t...
In this devotion we are reminded that no matter what we face or how we feel about ourselves, we can be sure that nothing will ever change Go...
In integrity, we present our sin before God knowing that, “when we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins” (1 Jo...
When I find myself doubting my identity as a child of God, I turn to God’s Word to be reminded. In this devotion we are reminded that God'...
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