
From the first death of a pet to losing an aging relative, sooner or later we will all experience some sort of grief or loss. During these times, it is important to remember God’s promises that He has given throughout Scripture.
By the time students have reached middle or high school, they have likely already experienced a number of transformations. When they grieve those changes, it’s important to allow them to process the grief, and to recognize God’s hand in all things. This study does have variations so it can be done over technology.
As young people experience unexpected loss, the church should be a safe source of comfort. While students must be allowed opportunity to grieve in whatever way suits them, this study will help you process sudden loss.
Loss is not always connected to tangible things. Sometimes it encompasses the disappointment of missing out on a long-awaited event or opportunity. This Bible study will help you gently guide them through this grieving process and offer consolation, hope, and appropriate Scripture.
When a friend or loved one is hurting, it can be difficult for adolescents to understand how they should best respond. It may feel awkward and even scary. Teens might wonder what to say or do. The purpose of this Bible study is to provide helpful ideas for teens to reach out to others who experience grief.
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