How do we continue to tell students that Jesus is good when the Church that purports to espouse His teachings, hurts people? Youth leaders s...
The Lutheran Youth and Adult Poll (formerly known as the Lutheran Youth Fellowship Poll) has been conducted every three years at LCMS Youth ...
Our youth are more and more seeing the cultural trend of “cancelling” someone because of actions now or in the past. As people in youth ...
Burnout happens everywhere, in every job. It’s not just us in the church who need to be aware of burnout.
As we intentionally do some of these things, more students remain connected as they transition into high school.
Our own hope and faith is built on the firm foundation of Christ Jesus our Savior. I use this to carry over to youth ministry. A foundation ...
Whether you are a paid-worker or a volunteer in ministry, the charge of ministry is draining. Healthy hobbies can be a great ally in ministr...
As youth leaders, it is essential to develop and maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life and doing so allows us to better ...
Congregations should be thinking about how we help young people transition from their first Sunday school class through into adult ministry....
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