
We all have harmful habits, even in our churches. This article helps us think about how we might have habits where parents are not growing in their own Biblical education or even expecting the church and its workers to be the primary teachers of the Christian faith for their children. By identifying these kinds of habits, we can see how we might change them.
Discussing faith and life with teens can be hard for parents or other supportive adults. This article is designed to help parents engage in those conversations to help keep the conversation open in order to help us guide faith in teens.
Family…we’ve all got one. We are a part of one and it is a part of us. Whether we like it or not, our family is our people. We are knit together by the closest of ties. This series of three studies is intended to be used together by parents and children. You’ll notice there are questions for parents, questions for kids, and questions for all. Share your responses together and see how the Lord leads you as you discuss.
The topics for these studies are spiritual practices which are important for Christians, regardless of age. As an intergenerational study, supportive adults and parents can regularly serve as examples in these practices and young people who are learning to incorporate them in their everyday life. This is a four part study that can be used in a variety of settings.
Facilitating parental involvement in Confirmation can help it feel less like a graduation and more an avenue for relational development. Here are some ideas for how to incorporate parents in Confirmation in order to encourage long-term participation and spiritual growth.
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