
In this final devotion in the Easter series, we see how a nickname like doubting Thomas doesn't have to stop Thomas or us from sharing the Gospel.
In this third devotion on the people of the Easter story, we see shame and regret felt by Peter after denying Jesus three times. Yet, Jesus restores and grants forgiveness to Peter as he does for us.
In John we see our human need to seek power. Yet in Jesus we see true power in serving us through His death on the cross.
The goal of this study is to talk about the resurrection of Christ and the wonderful joy that can be found in that. Eric Dunn uses Matthew to walk through the events that led up to Sunday, so we will also be looking at the events that led up to Jesus’ crucifixion. With that we can frame Easter for our teens in a way which reminds them of the power of Jesus' death and resurrection.
In the first of our devotions looking at the people in the Easter story, we look at the women who come to the tomb mourning Jesus' death and found that everything had been changed.
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