
It is no secret that young people today are anxious. One out of three teens wrestles with anxiety to some extent, a statistic that has increased significantly in the last decade. This conversation starter is designed to help youth leaders open up a conversation about anxiety and how our faith and our faithful community can support and show God's love to those who may be struggling.
As you think back on your life, maybe there are things you regret having done…ways in which your words or actions have hurt others. In the last devotion in this series, Ben Meyer talks about how Christians can face regret with the comfort of Jesus.
The story of Ahithophel is a cautionary tale, and maybe the sin of someone else has cause you to become bitter and resentful. In the third in this devotional series, Ben Meyer talks about how we can be faithful to God when we are burdened by bitterness.
Suicide is not easy to talk about, but it is necessary. It is the second-leading cause of death among people ages 10-24, and the rate of suicide in that age group has increased by 60% since 2007. This conversation starter sheet can help you approach the difficult conversation around suicide and supporting those who are struggling with mental health.
When we are in turmoil, when we are under spiritual attacks, we need the words of Jesus; we need Jesus. In the second devotion in this series, Ben Meyer talks about how we approach the difficult feeling of turmoil as Christians.
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