
We love new things, but you have been made new and forgiven because of your Baptism. Read more in this third devotion on Baptism for young people.
Paul reminded the Colossians that they needed to be deeply rooted in Jesus, not moved beyond Him to something else. This devotion reminds us that what God did our Baptism is our solid foundation.
As we look at the letter to the Colossians, we can see how they set their minds on things above and as a result, they were living and active in faith and love! In this first in a series, we look at how the physical condition of a church doesn't always show us how beautiful the Gospel truly is.
In each of this five-part Bible study series on play, participants will grow in God’s Word around the topic of play and gain a foundation for how God views play. Participants and leaders will also identify the essence of play and develop a stronger sense of their own unique needs and experiences associated with play and connecting with God through play.
God surrounds His people, just like the rim of the Grand Canyon surrounds you when you hike toward the bottom of the canyon, just as the mountains of Yosemite surround you in the valley.
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