
Things change when you leave the honeymoon phase and settle into your first Call. And, that change may be hard and that’s ok. Here are some great reminders if you are in that position as a new worker.
Download a printable PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 14A Gospel. Text: Matthew 18:1-20 (focusing on verses 13-20) for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series A Objectives Participants will: Identify situations that cause heartache and conflict with others. Recognize the plan Jesus stated in Matthew 18 to use when people are […]
Family conflict is fact, not fiction, and will continue, rather than disappear, because even as Christians we still have our sinful human nature. But thanks be to Godthrough Jesus Christ we have Gods forgiveness and His own love to enable us to combat our sinful nature and to resolve family conflicts.
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