
Youth and adults may have different ideas of what is engaging conversation. However, if we want to model faithful Christian relationships, it takes some simple conversation to get started!
COVID has changed so much in so many different ways – for good and for bad. As you look to restart, revitalize, and reshape your ministry in the upcoming months, here are three steps you can take. As you do, remember that God is with you and guiding you.
In another devotion from a quote from a teen, we remember that everyone needs someone to hear our heart. God promises to listen to anytime someone calls upon His name in prayer.
As we adjust to the new normal after the pandemic, we can see fewer people in our pews. So, what do we do to get people, especially young people, back in church? This article helps us think through some ways we can answer that question.
Many teens spend time interacting with friends over the internet, and that can lead to feeling nervous our unsure about face to face interactions. In the same way, they may not feel like youth ministry is a place where they can be honest and share their thoughts and feelings. This activity helps you to practice having healthy discussions about their lives and feelings within the Christian community that can offer both Law and Gospel with a sense of warmth, challenge, and grace.
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