
It can be difficult when youth express how questions and struggles with belief or with the church. It is worth the time and energy to walk alongside these youth as they ask questions. This article talks about how we can be those people in times when you are struggling with faith and the church.
It is important to have direction and goals for your youth ministry, but those can be hard to set and track. This article is designed to give guidance on how to choose and follow up with goals for your programming so you can best share the Gospel with your teens.
Many youth leaders, especially in recent years, find themselves faced with the task of combining younger and older student groups. This article is going to explore some of the benefits and pitfalls you might face when leading youth ministry with both Jr. High and High School together!
Baseball can be a good metaphor for ministry. Sometimes in the pursuit of hitting home runs, we try push too much too hard. Instead, think about how you can hit singles and work simple, relational things to help develop youth ministry.
Youth Leaders should find ways to incorporate helpful adults from all places in the congregation. Recruiting adults outside of youth ministry leadership can help develop champions for young people and enhance youth ministry, young people and youth ministry leaders.
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