
Alan Hirsch sends a captivating message to the reader: the people of God carry the same potency of the gospel as early Christians but we have forgotten how to access it.
The final section of When Kids Hurt is by far the most applicable and useful for all adults. It is more straightforward than the sections of Clark’s previous book, Hurt. It is where most of the value will lie for readers of Hurt looking for more. The section is simple: ten things we can do to helping hurting […]
The last four chapters in Part Two of Chap Clark and Steve Rabey’s book When Kids Hurt have a central theme: youth are lonely and stressed. I don’t know about you, but when I feel lonely and stressed, I make bad decisions, am a terrible driver, and usually try to compensate for these feelings with chocolate […]
I asked a group of third and fourth graders yesterday if they ever wanted to just go home and hang out with their parents. A third grade boy looked me in the eye and said, “I just want to play with my dad.”A girl piped up, “We are too busy to relax. It stinks.” On Friday, a mom […]
Is adolescence THAT much different from when I was a teenager?
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