
Youth Leaders should find ways to incorporate helpful adults from all places in the congregation. Recruiting adults outside of youth ministry leadership can help develop champions for young people and enhance youth ministry, young people and youth ministry leaders.
In this final family devotion we talk about the blessings of family extend far beyond those we live with or are related to - all believers are a part of God’s family!
When you ask a young person, “who are you?” you’ll get a variety of answers. In this six session series you’ll look at Jesus’ identity through His seven “I am” statements in the Gospel of John, and in doing so, learn more about who you are as a result of who Jesus is.
In a time of division, your Baptism builds a bridge between you and billions of people. In this devotion, we are reminded in Baptism we are unified in Christ.
The Colossians had heard and received the gospel of Jesus Christ, but they were also impacted to false teachers. These false teachers had a message that was not the true Christian gospel message. This devotion reminds us of our certainty in Jesus.
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