In this four part study we are reminded that the Bible is not just isolated stories together. It's a book that describes the love of God and...
In this Bible Study series we are going to be discussing some of the books of the Bible that we call “Wisdom Literature.”
Why wait until the calendar turns the page to start something that we could’ve done now? We don’t have to wait until a big transition or...
Many of us can find consolation in the grieving words of Lamentations. For others, walking down the darkest paths can help us understand the...
Throughout scripture you will find this simple story: God’s creation had turned from Him but His love was greater than their fall. In this...
This skit and devotion work together to talk about the importance of context when reading Scripture. The key focus is that God’s Word is a...
When in the course of our teaching, admonition, and yes, even counseling of the youth in our care, each passage of God’s Word that we util...
Searching for what is true in a world of filtered realities? Get familiar with the promises God makes to you. Here’s a few to get you star...
How can we encourage our youth to study the Bible and understand a fraction of its worth?
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