
As we adjust to the new normal after the pandemic, we can see fewer people in our pews. So, what do we do to get people, especially young people, back in church? This article helps us think through some ways we can answer that question.
Our youth are more and more seeing the cultural trend of “cancelling” someone because of actions now or in the past. As people in youth ministry, we must think long and hard about how we encourage both justice and live as people of grace through Jesus.
It is part of our sinful nature to doubt God. No matter how hard you may try to believe perfectly, your efforts will be in vain. Yet, God gives us the gift of faith and we can use His gifts to help us in these times.
In order to lead in a God-pleasing way, it should come from a humble servant heart, just as Jesus modeled throughout His life.
From the first death of a pet to losing an aging relative, sooner or later we will all experience some sort of grief or loss. During these times, it is important to remember God’s promises that He has given throughout Scripture.
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