
We love to share stories, but the most important story we can share is God's story. This devotion encourages us to share God's story with joy and hope.
Christians will have struggle in their story. This devotion will talk about how God is with us, even when the story is tough.
Sometimes, I tell the same stories multiple times. But have we thought about how God's story is central to ours? This devotion helps us think about how to tell Jesus' story in our story.
Throughout scripture you will find this simple story: God’s creation had turned from Him but His love was greater than their fall. In this devotion we talk about how God's story is a gift for us.
Stories surround us Certainly, we know God’s story for us in Scripture where God continues to speak in His perfect word. We also can think of our lives as stories where God is at work, even when that story is difficult. This study seeks to help young people to think of faith and develop identity by using this important concept of story.
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