
Sabbath isn't always just a stop, but a "going with". Sometimes rest happens on the go.
Jesus didn’t just call his disciples to the hard work before them of ministry. He also called them into rest, into meals, into His Kingdom. In both Jesus calls us to Him to find Salvation.
As we look for Sabbath, looking to God first leads to a quieted soul as he remembers God’s power, strength, and never-ending love.
One of the ways we can hear God’s voice a little clearer in the middle of all the pressures of each day is when we find moments to rest, to be still.
Rest. We all long for it, but it sometimes feels illusive or unattainable. We pray this four-week study on rest will give you space to explore what God’s Word has to say about rest and Sabbath and provide practical ideas for how to incorporate more rest into their lives.
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