
What is a resilient identity in Christ and why is it important for a healthy youth ministry? Check out this blog from the Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry to find out more.
Whether minor or major, chronic health issues can impact a teen’s ability to participate in youth programming and even impair their relational support of other youth. Youth leaders need to be prepared to assess regularly and make plans to keep every Bible study, event, trip and meal something which keeps youth healthy both spiritually and physically.
The Lutheran Youth and Adult Poll (formerly known as the Lutheran Youth Fellowship Poll) has been conducted every three years at LCMS Youth Gatherings since the 1980s. The executive summary seeks to highlight the most important findings from the 2022 poll.
Having hard conversations is never easy, but it’s worth the effort. Especially in today's culture it can be hard to engage well in difficult conversations in youth ministry. Here are six suggestions to help you to start talking about more difficult issues in your youth ministry.
Here are some social media images for Christmas and Advent
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