
Jesus' vocations show us how He was similar to us and also how He is called to do things that only He can do. Jesus fulfills His vocations perfectly and overcomes death for us because we could not live out our vocations perfectly.
Priscilla and Aquila model for us what it looks like to answer God’s call in various ways. Their story gives us an example of hospitality and showing love in any circumstances.
Naomi shows that as vocations change in times of transition or even crisis, God is calling us into something new. God can turn bitterness into delight again.
In Joseph we see one example of God’s presence through a tumultuous life. Through each role, responsibility, and relationship, God remained with Joseph. Jesus is with you in all your vocations as well.
We want youth to grow in the understanding and living out of their vocation. In this study, youth will think about the roles, responsibilities, and relationships God has called us to through the lens of four Biblical characters. These allow us to see the unique vocations where God has used people in the past and where He will use us in the future.
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