
Discussing faith and life with teens can be hard for parents or other supportive adults. This article is designed to help parents engage in those conversations to help keep the conversation open in order to help us guide faith in teens.
Young people are a part of our church as much as any others and need to be seen and accepted as such. In this article, talks about how congregations can integrate youth and listen to them through their ministry.
Words shared after a big youth event can really excite you about all the time and effort you have put into making it happen. But where do we go from here? This article is designed to help you build on the moment from a big event to move forward?
“Why” are you doing, (or thinking) about doing youth ministry in your congregation? And once you find your "why", how do you get started? These are key questions for many you may be starting to serve young people in the congregation. Here are some suggestions to finding both.
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