Getting Together with God (Pentecost 7C Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 7 Gospel.

Text: Luke 11:1-13 for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series C


Participants will:

  1. Know what a prayer should contain.
  2. Learn how to be persistent in praying.
  3. Know that God promises to hear their prayers.
  4. Will strengthen their prayer life.




This study is designed to be used with a group of 6-8 people. After these groups are formed, the person with the most freckles in the group becomes the leader. The leader’s role is to guide the group through the Bible study activities, encourage each member of the group to share their responses, as they feel comfortable and to keep the discussion on the Bible study.


Share your answers to the following questions with your group.

  1. How many hours a day do you spend talking to friends?
  2. What do you talk about?
  3. How many hours a day do you spend talking to Jesus?
  4. What do you talk about?


  1. Read Luke 11:1-4. Answer the following questions.
    1. What does Jesus do in the very first line of His prayer?
    2. Do you take time to give honor to God when you pray?
    3. Write an opening line to a prayer that gives honor to God.
    4. After giving honor to God, what does Jesus do?
    5. Write a list of things you want to ask God for.
  2. Read Luke 11:5-10. Answer the following questions. Share your answers with the group.
    1. What does the word persistent mean?
    2. Who was persistent in the section of Scripture you just read?
    3. Did being persistent pay off?
    4. How persistent are you when you pray? What could you do to be more persistent?
  3. Read Luke 11:6-13. Answer the following questions. Share your answers with the group.
    1. What do these verses say about the way God answers our prayers?
    2. In the past, how has God answered your prayers?


  1. Share your answers to the following questions with the group.
    1. In this study I realized . . .
    2. What one word would I use to describe my prayer life with members of this group right now?
    3. What one word would I like to use in the future to describe my prayer life?
    4. What verse from this part of Scripture touched me most today? Why?
  2. Make a plan for next week. Schedule times when you are going to pray and share that plan with the group. Include in your plan things you will pray for.


As a group, close with a prayer. Use the opening line you wrote to give honor to God. Pray for everyone to stick to their prayer plan. Pray for the things you included in that plan.

By Greg Sawyer

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies.

Updated for youthESource in July 2016

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