Jesus Calms the Storm (Pentecost 4B Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 4B Gospel.

Text: Mark 4:35-41 for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series B


Participants will:

  1. Be able to identify the storms in their own lives.
  2. Be encouraged to look to Jesus in the midst of their storms.
  3. Have their faith in Jesus as their loving all-powerful Savior strengthened.


This Bible Study is designed for small groups of 6-8 people. If your group is larger than the recommended size, divide the group into smaller groups of the recommended size. Each group should choose a facilitator by identifying the person who has most recently been in water (swimming, showering, etc.). In the small groups, each participant should share responses to the following statements or questions. The leader begins and directs other participants to respond in turn. All are encouraged to participate, but everyone has the right to pass.


  1. In your group, share a good time you have had in or with water (car wash, skiing, etc.).
  2. Share with others a bad or unpleasant experience you have had with water (flooded basement, rainy hike, etc.).
  3. Choose one of the following possible responses and explain your choice:
    Being in a small boat on a large lake is…

    1. my idea of heaven.
    2. a great way to relax and refresh.
    3. my idea of torture.
    4. okay, but I’d rather be…
    5. great if you add a motor and speed.
  4. One time a storm really scared me was…


Read Mark 4:35-41. Try to picture yourself in the boat, aware of the feelings of the disciples. Then, choose the most appropriate personal response to each statement and give a reason for your answer.

  1. If I had been one of the disciples in the boat with Jesus, I would have…
    1. calmly planned my escape.
    2. frozen in terror.
    3. bailed water.
    4. awakened Jesus much sooner.
    5. figured there was nothing I could do, so why try.
  2. When Jesus calmed the storm, He…
    1. showed He is all-powerful.
    2. showed His concern for the disciples’ safety.
    3. seized the opportunity to teach about faith.
    4. scolded the disciples for their fear.
    5. gave the disciples something to remember about courage.
  3. What impresses me most about this story is…
    1. the power of Jesus.
    2. the concern of Jesus.
    3. the lack of faith among the disciples.
    4. my own lack of faith in time of distress.
    5. Jesus asleep during the storm.
    6. the surprise of the disciples.
    7. Jesus is with us in our storms.


  1. Think of a time when life was like a storm for you. Was it like a sudden shower or more like a hurricane? Share in your group.
  2. I really need to hear Jesus say, “Be calm; be still,” to me when…
  3. If Jesus would say, “Why are you so afraid?” to me today, He would be referring to…


  1. To keep my eyes on Jesus and not on the wind and waves, I need to…
    1. pray
    2. read the Bible
    3. be more concerned about who is in the boat with me.
    4. let God take more control of my life.
    5. be more calm and patient.
  2. In this study, I re/learned…


In your small group, close with a circle prayer, praying for the person on your left. Ask God to help us recognize Christ’s presence in the storms of our lives and to thank Him for calming the turbulence in our hearts. If a participant would like to pass, he/she may squeeze the hand they are holding.

by Jeremy Pera

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies 19, 1996.

Updated for youthESource in June  2015

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