
Servin’ Lovin’ Praisin’: Youth Group Hits the Town

This year, we are trying something new in our Youth Group. Sure, we will study God’s Word. Sure, we will serve the Lord in special and unique ways. But this year, once a month, our Youth Group will hit the town! Each month we will have our Youth Group Night on location–out in the community participating together in a fellowship activity.

Our church’s mission statement is Celebrating Christ by Growing Up, Out and Together. In the past, we have focused a lot on growing up and together in the Lord, but we haven’t focused too much on growing out. This year, we want to be intentional about going out into the community and making an impact for the Lord!

Our activities this year will be nothing “earth shattering.” We are going go-karting, out to a movie, out to eat, attending local sporting events, and visiting our local news station. The idea is to go out into the community as God’s children and show whoever we come in contact with that teenagers can be a positive influence in the community and can really make a difference, not only in the future, but in the present!

It’s important for youth to be an active part in the community. We try to do a good job of serving the local community, but it is also important to take part in community activities and support local businesses. We want to give our youth an example of how a Christian should live in his or her community. Not only is this good for the community and the youth, but it is good PR for your church as well. The more your community sees you guys “out and about” the more they will realize how active your group and your congregation is! So… how about getting your group together and hitting the town!

Blessings to you as you continue Servin’ Lovin’ and Praisin’ the Lord!
Published October 2011

Published October 11, 2011

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