Faithfulness in Doubting Devotion

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Where do you go when you need guidance? In our culture today, there are a ton places that people turn to, to seek answers and directions for their lives. For some, they find a trusted friend, teacher, or mentor. Some turn to parents or grandparents who can give wisdom from their own life experiences. And still others turn to social media or people on the internet to figure out how they should live their lives. As Christians, we have a solid place that we turn to when we need to be reminded of who we are, and whose we are. That foundation is God. Scripture speaks God’s truth into our lives. It is where we can listen and hear from God what he says about who we are.

When I find myself doubting my identity as a child of God, I turn to God’s Word to be reminded. Our identity as a part of God’s family is so clearly stated in 1 John 3:1 – “See what kind of love the Father has given us that we should be called children of God; and so we are!” A different translation of this verse uses the world lavished in place of given. God has lavished and covered us in his love. It is that great love for us that claimed us as children of God.

Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and in our Baptism, we have a rightful spot in the family of God. Our relationship with our Heavenly Father has been restored. We can boldly proclaim our identity has God’s precious child!

But that doesn’t mean that we still do not have times of questions and doubts. Our sinful nature causes us to ask “Is this really true? Does God really love me?” Time and time again, God reminds us that yes, it is true! His love for us is greater than anything in this world, and anything beyond. When we are continually in God’s Word, we are continually reminded of our identity in Christ and his enduring love for us. Then we can boldly proclaim what the prophet Isaiah says: “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation… Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.” (Isaiah 12:2-3).

In our times of doubts, fears, and questions, we can always return to our solid foundation that is the saving work of Jesus and his love for us. And when we have questions to ask, we can trust that God speaks to us through His Word, and reminds us of what is most important – that we are his beloved children now and forever.

Discussion Questions

  1. What is a question that you have about who God is or the Bible?
  2. Who are some people or resources that you can turn to when you have questions to point you back to Jesus and God’s Word?


Heavenly Father, we praise you for your Word and how you speak to us through it. In our times of questions and doubts, always remind us of the truth found in you. Thank you for the saving work of Jesus and for the gift of Baptism that claims us as your precious and beloved children. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Read the full study connected to this devotion by clicking here.

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Faithfulness in Doubting Devotion

Faithfulness in Doubting Devotion

When I find myself doubting my identity as a child of God, I turn to God’s Word to be reminded. In this devotion we are reminded that God's is...


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