Promises Delivered

This curriculum was designed for our YouthLead program. It is video based and designed to be easily lead by both adult and youth leaders. There is both an facilitator and a student guide that can be printed from these links. The videos can be downloaded or watched using any internet connection. To find out more about YouthLead and our resources, you can go to

This curriculum was used in 2020 during our YouthLead retreat. It focuses on helping youth understand their Baptismal identity and how it impacts their everyday faith. In our Baptism, we receive God’s promises and God’s work is on display. As Baptized children of God, the Holy Spirit strengthens us for all we will experience in life, especially as we are called to be different in this world.

Download the Facilitator Guide Here.

Download the Participator Guide Here.

To watch and download the videos click here.

Curriculum Description

Session 1: Promises Delivered

Words are powerful and our God is one who speaks. God’s Word does miraculous things and Baptism is God’s work on display. Through your Baptism, God strengthens and reminds who you are, whose you are and where you belong.

Session 2: Receptive Spirituality

In our current world, with technology at our fingertips, it’s easy to understand what it is to consume. Above all things in our world, we also consume the Word of God and Jesus’ gifts for us. We trust God, our good gift-giver, out of response to all the good things He gives us and we respond by prioritizing prayer, the Sacraments, and God’s Word.

Session 3: Baptism Makes Me Different and Gives Me a Place to Belong

Being different for Jesus’ sake is not always easy. We may face trials, opposition, and rejection by others because of our faith in Jesus and our walk with Him. The Holy Spirit strengthens us for our earthly walk with Jesus and makes us saints of the church, called to be different in this world.

 Session 4: Holding Tensions

Life has good and bad tension. An important part of being a mature person is juggling tension and setting priorities. As a mature Christian, we hold things in tension like being both sinner and saint. We encourage each other in our fight against sin and we watch to keep the unity Christians have in Jesus.

Session 5: Teens Stand Strong

As a Baptized Child of God you can stand strong, even when your worldview is challenged. Even when we don’t fully understand or have all the answers, we can believe in trust in our God through faith.

Download the Facilitator Guide Here.

Download the Participator Guide Here.

To watch and download the videos click here.

About the author

Rev. Mark R. Kiessling serves as the director of LCMS Youth Ministry. In that role, he supports the leadership, service, resourcing, and networking functions of LCMS Youth Ministry. Kiessling graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (2006) and holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Concordia University, Portland (1998). Kiessling is married to Beth (Timm), who teaches Preschool at Christ Community Lutheran School in Kirkwood, Mo.
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