A Walk Made Worthy

This curriculum was designed for our YouthLead program. It is video based and designed to be easily lead by both adult and youth leaders. There is both an facilitator and a student guide that can be printed from these links. The videos can be downloaded or watched using any internet connection. To find out more about YouthLead and our resources, you can go to lcms.org/youthlead.

Download the Facilitator Guide Here.

Download the Participator Guide Here.

To watch and download the videos click here.

A Walk Made Worthy Curriculum Introduction

One of the key parts of youth discipleship is developing a resilient identity in Christ. This resilient identity helps young people to navigate times of stress, experience new things and people, and move through life while holding fast to their Christian faith. In A Walk Made Worthy, we will explore how young people can remain humbly confident in their faith through times of struggle, times of joy and times of temptation. As we do, we will encourage them to be lifelong learners who face doubt and challenge by turning to God’s Word.

Written for the 2021 YouthLead program, the curriculum has five sessions.

SESSION ONE: A Walk Made Worthy
This session introduces our key verses, Colossians 1:9–12, and helps lay out how our gift of faith gives us a distinctive walk. The Holy Spirit gives us resilience that is humbly confident to face all we will walk through in this world.

SESSION TWO: In Times of Struggle
This session focuses on how we can be resilient in our walk during times of struggle. By looking at Jacob wresting with God, we see how we can be confident in God even amid struggle.

SESSION THREE: In Times of Joy
This session helps participants to see how joy can draw us closer in gratitude to God and encourage us to show the fruit of the Spirit. We celebrate times of joy, but we know life has ups and downs. So, through it all, our lives should be focused on Jesus.

SESSION FOUR: In Times of Temptation
This session focuses on how we face a world full of temptation and how God helps us to resist. It reminds us of how we are forgiven and how that forgiveness changes how we walk through life.

Session Five: What’s Next on Your Walk?
This session is designed to help participants turn the first four sessions into actionable items for the future.

Download the Facilitator Guide Here.

Download the Participator Guide Here.

To watch and download the videos click here.

About the author

Julianna Shults is a DCE serving a Program Manager for LCMS Youth Ministry. With a BA in Psychology and a Masters in Community Development, Julianna served congregations in Florida and Chicago. She writes for the Youth E-Source, co-authored Relationships Count from CPH and co-hosts the podcast End Goals. Julianna is a self-proclaimed nerd, coffee snob and obsessive aunt.
View more from Julianna

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